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HAIL - Find your Friends in the Crowd

4.6 ( 8976 ratings )
الشبكات الاجتماعية نمط الحياة
المطور: Hansjuerg Wuethrich

HAIL is a new fantastic communication tool

- Find your friends in the crowd
- Show your love
- Call a taxi
- Show that you want to pay (in Example: in a Restaurant)
- Have fun on a party
- Give signs
- And many more possibilities !

Its easy as 1 2 3

Step 1: Choose a color
Step 2: Choose a symbol if you want or just use a blank coloured background
Step 3: Show it to the "world" and interact !

SocialMedia Links:

Facebook http.//Facebook.com/SynthekDesign
Twitter http://Twitter.com/SynthekDesign
Tumblr http://Synthek-Design.Tumblr.com

More symbols and colors coming soon as free updates. No inApp purchases , no Kickstarter Campaign , no begging for money.

See also for other SYNTHEK DESIGN Apps

- Balanzze DC
- Pleezz
- ZEN Fountain
- Swipezz (Free)
- Just Jump (Free)
- ConsolesHD (Free)

And more

Thank you !